Hello Next Up Collector Community!
I was lucky enough to discover Sara Lavelle’s artwork when I stumbled upon her family’s amazing coffee shop meets bike store meets incredible area to workout with a laptop and hunker down with a delicious latte, smoothie, or homemade baked good. Upon entering the extensive seating (and laptop friendly) areas of the cafe, you cannot help but become engrossed with Sara’s stunning oil on canvas works of art.
Distinctive with the use of shapes, color, and light/dark shading within each canvas, Sara’s works speak to themes that go much deeper than they may appear on first glance. Interested in psychology and the human condition at its core, Sara seeks to explore themes of the essence of the individual beyond surface-level representation. It is true — you can easily see the souls of the individuals being portrayed in these works.
When she is not painting, Sara spends her time assisting at a mental health charity, as she is interested in helping and working with people on the most fundamental levels, a sentiment we see in her works. Specifically, Sara uses figuration and focuses mainly on the face, considering the human face and its features is the window to various forms of communication. She uses to gentle colors to balance out the heavy nature of her works and the themes they explore.
Please check out her website and Instagram to stay connected or to inquire more about her artwork! All images belong directly to Sara Lavelle.